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Search OpAmp chip as a voltage follower Options



Hello, I am now looking for an Operation Amplifer chip able to be a
voltage follower, which I need to use as a buffer between my sensor
circuit and the digitizer. Can anybody help me?

Since the output impedance of my sensor circuit is about 0.2 Gohm,
follower needs to have a input impedance much higher than that (Maybe
a JFET one could work).

The input signal is always sinusoidal, with an amplitude = 1~2V, and
variable frequency = 10KHz~1MHz, and the noise at the output is
required to be <1uV.

I tried AD712, but its bandwidth seems not enough for the 1MHz
And the AD746 showed a terrible self-excitation as being used as a

The price would not be a problem if it is lower than 50 US$.

A million thanks!