Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sealed lead acid batteries


Ted Pillinger


What is the fastest rate of discharge advisable for a sla battery?
Is the terminal voltage a good indication of the condition of a charged



Phil Allison

"Ted Pillinger"
What is the fastest rate of discharge advisable for a sla battery?

** Just a tad less than that required to blow the internal fuse.

Is the terminal voltage a good indication of the condition of a charged

** No.

....... Phil


Is the terminal voltage a good indication of the condition of a charged

If by condition you mean state of charge, then terminal voltage is
about the only indicator available. Terminal voltage doesn't vary much
between 50% and 100% charge, but it provides a rough indication. If
you try to measure terminal voltage right after charging, you are
likely to see an elevated, incorrect reading.

If by condition you mean battery capacity, terminal voltage by itself
will tell you nothing.

Do a search on battery faq and you'll find more info.



"Ted Pillinger"

I'd say the rate advised by the manufacturer in the data sheet
** Just a tad less than that required to blow the internal fuse.

Do SLA batterys usually have an internal fuse?
I'v never seen any mention of one in manufacturer's literature.
I have seen the aftermath of people short circuiting large gelcell/AGM
batterys and heard storys of other incidents. This is almost allways
due to people using an uninsulated spanner and rotating it so it
touchs another battery terminal or the chassis, although ocasionally
people put a link lead on the wrong terminal.
I'v never heard of a battery fusing, if the short is cleared after a
seconds the batterys works afterwards.

In my experiance the off-load off-charge voltage of a
charged SLA battery only gives a meaningfull indication
when the battery is near the end of it's life.
When the battery has only a fraction of it's capacity left,
in the region 10% of the original AH rating,
the voltage drops quickly off charge,
eg if a nominal 12volt battery is at 12.5V instead of 13.5 straight
after being taken off charge it probably has significantly reduced
capacity and will probably be useless within a year.


Phil Allison

"Phil Allison"
"Ted Pillinger"

I'd say the rate advised by the manufacturer in the data sheet

Do SLA batterys usually have an internal fuse?

** Many of them do.

If you short or overload the battery - the battery goes open.

It's a simple safety feature against explosion.

....... Phil