Maker Pro
Maker Pro

sE gemini II microphone power supply transformer

Hi, I just got a $1200 sE microphone (the gemini II) and the power supply is broken, straight from manufacturing - the transformer was dented before it was installed on the PCB board. Unfortunately, the transformer is the only component in the power supply that isn't labelled, as is often the case with transformers it seems. I was wondering if anyone knows a good way of determining the exact type / brand of transformer - an online site, a testing method, etc? sE refuse to answer any emails about it and it would be a lot of trouble to send it back overseas to the online shop in the US I got it from...

It seems to be a switched-mode power supply type transformer.

Best regards,

Switch-mode transformer are usually custom-made for the specific supply so you won't be able to find a replacement even if you were able to test it being defective.
For the high value involved it would seem worth the cost & effort to send it back.
I'd love to send it back, but the online store is difficult to deal with, and and sE won't answer my communications; they only have one email address and no one is there... However, isn't there some way to re-build a switched mode transformer? Like count the number of windings etc and re-wind it with new wire? It has to be possible.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
If you paid for this with a credit card, I would be talking to my credit provider about arranging a chargeback.

OK, you say "looks like a switchmode transformer" so I assume you mean it looks like a small transformer? The microphone apparently doesn't have a transformer (except in the power supply?). It's also apparantly got 2 vacuum tubes and no solid state electronics. I am confused as to what you're looking at.

Perhaps you can post a picture of this so that we can get a clear idea of what you're talking about.

Also I note (contrary to 55p below) that this microphone seems to be discussed on the web in far too many places for it to be a scam. As to whether you got it from a reputable source, I can't say (I have no knowledge of that).
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I would second looking into a charge-back through the credit card company, if you paid by credit card.

As soon as you replace any components or otherwise attempt to repair or modify the device, you own it and can not legally return it even if the seller comes back and agrees to a refund.

Looking at sE's website, I am sorry to say that it has all the hallmarks of a scam. It complains about Western companies selling re-banded cheap Chines products and then it tries to sell you on a western named Chinese made product that appears to be cheap quality.

Do you actually know any of the people in the testimonials? Yes, I know the Beatles were a real band but do you know that the person supposedly giving the testimonials was actually affiliated with the Beatles? Have you ever heard of any of the magazines reviewing the products or any of the awards they have received?

I clicked randomly on a couple of "reviews" and they seemed to be a paid review, written in the same style.

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So (sorry for the delay of a week!), on the advice of several people above, I had a trained professional look at it :). There was actually a broken contact before the transformer that was causing the problem. He fixed that, and the mic now produces good sound again.

They're actually quite a good mic; I've heard multiple good reviews from sound engineers in Australia. Not a Telefunken U47 or anything, but really good for the $1200 mark.

Thanks for the advice; I'll be back when I start to design and build my own mic :).