Maker Pro
Maker Pro

screen crackles

Phillips 22" TV used solely for X-Box

Energy Star logo on front [didnt bother getting serial # - tv hard to move and this sounds like a generic problem..?]

loud sizzle sounds when turned on.. several colored strips sometimes appear in middle of screen fora while... on one occasion the word "FRONT" appeared on screen. This stuff occurs during first 30-seconds and have not seen normal video or sound since it started. Have not persisted beyond this time. What's happening? Thanx.
It's easier to diagnose these things when we can see what you see. But my first guess would be your Horizontal is on it's way out. That's a high voltage circuit, and you should decide if you want to repair or replace the TV. I wouldn't keep turning it on the way it is. They can fry, and be a fire hazard.