Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Scratchbuild 3-ccd camera - need help with video signals

Hi all

I'm a newbie here, and certainly new to anything electronic. I'm building a 3-ccd camera from scratch - in other words, a camera that uses three image sensors to acquire separate data in red, green and blue channels, which are subsequently merged into a colour image.

I'm fine with the optics, the beam-splitting and the filtering etc. I plan to use (initially) three webcams to collect the separate RGB images.
My problem is how to combine each of these monochrome video signals (probably via a USB lead) into one colour signal that I can view on a small LCD screen. For the moment, all I want to do is stream and view the images; I'll worry about recording stuff later.

My initial guess would be to buy an RGB to YUV converter and then go YUV to USB straight into the LCD screen.

Any ideas would be most welcome.
