Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Scrapped an Epson NX300

Got some pretty good stuff ... I think ... from this one. 30 tactile switches for one, two stepper motors which are kinda cheapy looking. Small and flat. Two regular motors. Various electrolytic and ceramic type caps. A power supply that I haven't tested to see what voltage it puts out. And some sore fingers.

Now to research those steppers and see if I can make one work.
Well I tested the power supply and have determined that it is no good to me at 42 vdc. And for the life of me I can't find any information on the small 'pancake' steppers I salvaged. The numbers on them are Em-558 801A935T, and the other one is EM-553-8Y25AR2.

I took the first one and marked it then counted the steps/rev and got 48 which is 7.5 deg/step. This one, when turned by hand has more 'resistance' to the steps than the other one.

Has anyone came across these steppers before? Is there a standard or generic way to drive these with a stepper controller?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Simple questions first.

How many wires do they have?

How are these arranged?

For stepper motors you may have two pairs of separate windings, two pairs of separate windings with centre taps, or two windings with centre taps that are joined together. (The last one can be a bit of a pig to fully identify)

These should be contrasted with a device having three separate windings, or three windings with a common connection to one end (wye), or even three windings that are joined in series in a loop (delta).


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You probably need to cycle it something like this:

Red=-+ve, Brown=-ve, Yellow=0, Orange=0
Red=0, Brown=0, Yellow=+ve, Orange=-ve
Red=--ve, Brown=+ve, Yellow=0, Orange=0
Red=0, Brown=0, Yellow=-ve, Orange=+ve

If it does nothing (except shake) then swap over one of the leads.