Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Scoreboard Retrofit

Hi guys we have a small arena here in Nova Scotia and we wanted to trade out our GE 57 incandescent bulb with leds
We bought some direct replacement led and switched the bulbs out but they will not work. The scoreboard uses a older 7 segment wiring with diodes. We found out that I can get the segment to work if I replace one of the leds with the incandescent, also if I put a resister across one of the bulbs they will also light, however the 1/4 watt resister gets hot and I believe that it will be expensive to install them as i would need 56 five watt 60ohm resisters, Im I correct in assuming that the drivers of the segments needs some type of resistive load in order to drive the leds which the leds alone does not provide?

Is there something else that I could do to get the led to work

Appreciate any and all feedback
