Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Science Fair Project

I have been working on this project for a few years, but I am having trouble with the electronics portion this year. The project is complicated, but in short, this year I need to be able to read inputs from infrared light sensors, and depending on the input, be able to send power certain electromagnets. The magnets require 12 volts of DC power and there are 4 stations of them. I am not sure what to use to read the sensors, what to use to distribute the power, or how to set up this system. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Most IR sensors output a logic 'high' when tripped, it's just a matter of amplifying that signal and driving the appropriate magnets...

I would start with a Darlington Chip like the ULN2003 to amplify the detection signal and use that to drive a relay that drives the magnet... And don't forget the flyback diodes on the relays...