Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Schematic needed for Sprague Mike-O-Meter

Does anyone know where I can get a schematic diagram for a Sprague Mike-O-Meter?? This is a capacitor tester from the 50s. Thanks
Sir jimmie . . . . . .

Should you be the party of the first party . . . twice removed . . . .that successfully exhibited the techno expertise to have repaired your Micronta / Radio Shack meter in another thread.

STOP the presses . . . .I now remember that you are being "mcgyver2822" . . . . instead of jimmie.

But, with you being my eyes and hands,I believe that the repair of that 'ole Sprague Mike -O- Meter might also be within your restoration/repair capabilities.

For any interested readers sitting in the peanut gallery . . . . .
Its'a look'a like'a dis . . . . .


Initially, will the unit power up in order to evaluate that top central tuning eye and its brightness capability?

Since this is primarily a product oriented towards a mechanic / motor repair or refrigeration person.
In this units past users history. it just potentially might have been a "high tech" "trophy" / "vanity" display on a visible shelf , with its tuning eye always being all aglow.
That's NOT being good for its overall lifespan, at all.

Next restoration consideration would be the cleaning of the 3 slide switch contacts innards to a "clean as a hounds tooth" degree of perfection.
With, a final conjunctive slide operation of upwards of a hundred extreme positional transitions per switch.
Then a flooding of the internals of the power factor pot, and the central null pot with a solvent/cleaner to get their rotor contact actions working flawlessly.

If initially needing work,in order to even get the tuning eye displaying, I will be needing closeup photos of its parts and wiring circuitry layout.

Test One . . . . . for an unlit tuning eye would be to view the rear of the tube, to see if its yellowish/orange filament is lighting.
(The filament is being so covered up with its mechanical infrastructure, that its visibility may only be possible by viewing at the very rear of the tube.)

See markup below . . . . .

To be continued . . . . .same time . . . .same station . . . . . after mcguyver enlightens me . . . . . . . . with forthcoming info

73's de Edd
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In reality . . .do you have a working unit . . . with no problems and merely want its schematic / manual.
Or do you have an inoperative unit and need to repair it ?

73's de Edd