Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Scart problems - RGB



I have a problem with rgb scart on my televisor.
Three months ago I purchased a Daewoo DW28WX (?) provided with 2 scart
sockets: the first RGB-Composyte, the second only Composyte.
All worked fine with a decoder Pace connected on the first SCART. It was
possible to switch between PAL and RGB output from the menu screen of
decoder. It worked all this time with RGB output. I tested also a
Playstation 2 on first connector.
Four days ago I purchased a DVD/DivX Richmond model 550.
It was programmed by manifacturer on RGB output.
The first time I tried to turn it on ,connected on the first scart,(alone,
without other perif connected to televisor), the player did not work, it
kept flash the power light ritmically every 2 second. From the televisor I
felt a light smell of something burnt.
Connected on the second scart it worked but only in composite.
From this time the first scart does no recognize RGB input. I tried
different RGB scart cable with no results. ( Blinking DVD start light -
decoder displays all the time in PAL and if setted on RGB quality does not
change.) Connected to the first scart with no RGB cable the DVD works but
only in composite
Anyone could please explain to me what's happened?
How I can reactivate the RGB fuction on first scart?

Excuse my poor english, please.

Happy new year!

Peter van Merkerk

Andrej said:
I have a problem with rgb scart on my televisor.
Three months ago I purchased a Daewoo DW28WX (?) provided with 2 scart
sockets: the first RGB-Composyte, the second only Composyte.
All worked fine with a decoder Pace connected on the first SCART. It was
possible to switch between PAL and RGB output from the menu screen of
decoder. It worked all this time with RGB output. I tested also a
Playstation 2 on first connector.
Four days ago I purchased a DVD/DivX Richmond model 550.
It was programmed by manifacturer on RGB output.
The first time I tried to turn it on ,connected on the first scart,(alone,
without other perif connected to televisor), the player did not work, it
kept flash the power light ritmically every 2 second. From the televisor I
felt a light smell of something burnt.
Connected on the second scart it worked but only in composite.
From this time the first scart does no recognize RGB input. I tried
different RGB scart cable with no results. ( Blinking DVD start light -
decoder displays all the time in PAL and if setted on RGB quality does not
change.) Connected to the first scart with no RGB cable the DVD works but
only in composite
Anyone could please explain to me what's happened?
How I can reactivate the RGB fuction on first scart?

Since you smell something with the DVD player connected to the first SCART
plug, I'm afraid the DVD player damaged the TV somehow. It appears that the
DVD player and your television aren't compatible. You could check the
signals on the SCART connector on the DVD player, and compare that with the
first SCART connector on your TV. From there you may be able to deduce what
might have been damaged in your TV.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter van Merkerk" <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: Scart problems - RGB

Thank you for answer, but I'm curious to know how it is possible that a
standard like SCART creates such a problem. It should be a "standanrd"
afterall, I think...
By the way, I don't have the schemathics of both televisor and dvd, and
they are both in guarantee. I tried to open the televisor, (dvd has
guarantee marks outside) and at first look ( and smell :) ) I didn't notice
anything burnt...
Have you got any other suggestion for me?

Peter van Merkerk

Andrej said:
From: "Peter van Merkerk" <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: Scart problems - RGB

Thank you for answer, but I'm curious to know how it is possible that a
standard like SCART creates such a problem. It should be a "standanrd"
afterall, I think...

It is a standard more or less. The problem with the SCART connector is that
it combines (too?) many functions. The basic stuff is well defined and
usually works well. But some functions of the SCART connector aren't
standardized, and may not work. It is the first time I have heard a SCART
connection blowing the TV (if I understand your first message correctly RGB
won't work any longer with the Pace decoder in RGB mode either). Possibly
there is a malfunction in the DVD player, or it simply puts the wrong
signal on the SCART connector.
By the way, I don't have the schemathics of both televisor and dvd, and
they are both in guarantee. I tried to open the televisor, (dvd has
guarantee marks outside) and at first look ( and smell :) ) I didn't notice
anything burnt...

Unfortunately damage to electronic components ussually isn't visible.
Have you got any other suggestion for me?

The problem must be somewhere in the pins that are used in RGB mode and not
in composite mode. The most likely suspect would be pin 16 on the SCART
connector. This pin controls whether the SCART connector operates in RGB
mode (1-3 volts) or composite mode (< 0.4 volts).