Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sanyo Plasma TV ( Model PDP42XS1)


Steve Butler


I am an electronics techo, dont work on TV`s that often but have had some
experience mainly friends family etc... have not worked on plasma screens so
im after some help/advice if possible.
The above unit has sound but picture died while watching it ( its not mine)
Unit is15 months old (warranty 12mths) , bought from Kmart apparently

Owner has been advised by phone (repairman has had an educated guess i
that it probably is the microprocessor a new one would cost about $800,
would this include labour for fitting

Some questions
1. Would it be worth pursuing Sanyo??????

2. Can anyone provide me with a service manual and or schematic or details
of where to get one?

3. Have no reason to doubt repairman but $800 for a micro ?? would that be
right and while im at it
what microprocessor is it ( after a datasheet possibly)

4. Any other help/advice would be appreciated

thank you


Bob Parker


I am an electronics techo, dont work on TV`s that often but have had some
experience mainly friends family etc... have not worked on plasma screens so
im after some help/advice if possible.
The above unit has sound but picture died while watching it ( its not mine)
Unit is15 months old (warranty 12mths) , bought from Kmart apparently

Owner has been advised by phone (repairman has had an educated guess i
that it probably is the microprocessor a new one would cost about $800,
would this include labour for fitting

Some questions
1. Would it be worth pursuing Sanyo??????

2. Can anyone provide me with a service manual and or schematic or details
of where to get one?

3. Have no reason to doubt repairman but $800 for a micro ?? would that be
right and while im at it
what microprocessor is it ( after a datasheet possibly)

4. Any other help/advice would be appreciated

thank you


I used to work with a Steve Butler in the old Telecom radio
communications section. Just wondering if you're him? :)
There's a fair chance you can hire a service manual from High
Country Service Data; see


Jumpster Jiver

Steve said:

I am an electronics techo, dont work on TV`s that often but have had some
experience mainly friends family etc... have not worked on plasma screens so
im after some help/advice if possible.
The above unit has sound but picture died while watching it ( its not mine)
Unit is15 months old (warranty 12mths) , bought from Kmart apparently

Owner has been advised by phone (repairman has had an educated guess i
that it probably is the microprocessor a new one would cost about $800,
would this include labour for fitting

Some questions
1. Would it be worth pursuing Sanyo??????

2. Can anyone provide me with a service manual and or schematic or details
of where to get one?

3. Have no reason to doubt repairman but $800 for a micro ?? would that be
right and while im at it
what microprocessor is it ( after a datasheet possibly)

4. Any other help/advice would be appreciated

thank you


Chances are the micro itself is a custom part and is not available to
ANYONE - including an authorized repair shop.
The usual repair process involves using the service manual - if you can
get it - to determine which circuit board has a fault and replacing the
entire board. Cost could be $400 to $1200 for the board depending on
which board it is. They don't make it easy or cost effective to do most
I am in Perth,

Bob .......a different Steve Butler im afraid, HCSD dont have a SM , no
support as Rudolph mentions

Have to see which board it is and price a replacement i suppose

thanks for your help guys,

Have contacted head honcho at Sanyo and it looks as if they will cover
it as long
as it is not consumer error, if it is faulty workmanship/design then OK
One of their "Approved service agents is coming out to have a look


Bob Parker

I wish this would be a single occurence....
I have lots of plasmas just out of warranty. Sometimes repairs are quite
expensive. For example, new power supply board for HITACHI 50" plasma is
$1300 trade.

As long as consumers will insist on buying cheap stuff, they will get crap
quality. You get what you pay for.
And then all this junk just ends up in landfill.

I do warranty for a few companies and I am unstructed not to accept DVD
players in for warranty repairs! They are being swapped over in the shop and
faulty ones will eventually make their way to our landfills.

Lost of people do not want to fix their older equipment, because new ones
are so cheap, it makes repairs not economical. Electronic companies have to
go with that and make their stuff as cheap as possible, cutting all corners
they possibly can. It is not fault of the manufacturers, but of consumers
for trading quality for price. So, what are you complaining about? You
wanted to get cheap stuff in teh first place ad expect it to work forever?

(Sorry, had to vent)


Well written, Rudolph!!
Unfortunately the consumers have no idea how many corners were cut
so that they could have this marvellous technology so cheap.



Rudolf said:
Yo can buy a TV now for $199. After warranty is gne, it will be
thrown away and then what? You will go and get another one for $199.
Why not to spend $400 in the first place and get a unit that will
last for years?

You can check the price of electronic gear (including TVs) and get a broad
range of prices for the same product. Most people will choose the cheapest

The reason why consumers don't spend $400 is that they usually have no way
of knowing whether that $400 product is any better than the $199 product.
And, in many cases, the $400 product is just a rip-off.


I was talking to some chinese people and theye all were saying that stuff
made in China for China is pretty good quality, comparing to exports. Why?
Apparently, because consumers all over the world demand "cheap stuff", not
"quality stuff".

An interesting experience I had some time back -- I needed a small
philips-head scredriver. I used to do a lot of video cameras and those "made
in china" scredrivers that you can buy everywhere for a few dollars did not
last more than 1-2 cameras. So, I wanted to get a good quality one and was
prepared to pay for it. I COULD NOT FIND one that was not made in China!!!

It tok me about 2 weeks to find a supplier here who had German made ones.
Cost me about $15 for a single scredriver and I still use it.
Snap-on tools, have excellent screwdrivers (they mostly service motor
mechanics, and make weekly visits to them in most areas) and all the
other tools of theirs I have used are first-rate, but be prepared to
pay the big $$$ for them !

Haymans and farnell also stock pretty good screwdrivers too.