Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sanyo Model Ds25330



When power is applied no video or audio and after about 5 seconds yo
can hear the power relay trip off. Should I start by checking the powe
supply diodes? Thanks for any help

Shoreline Electronics

Can you scope the HOT collector as the set starts and verify good B+ and a
clean pulse?

Jeff Stielau
Shoreline Electronics Repair
344 East Main Street
Clinton,CT 06413
860-664-3535 (fax)
[email protected]

Mark D. Zacharias

Shoreline Electronics said:
Can you scope the HOT collector as the set starts and verify good B+ and a
clean pulse?

Jeff Stielau
Shoreline Electronics Repair
344 East Main Street
Clinton,CT 06413
860-664-3535 (fax)
[email protected]

Also check the 200 volt line to the video driver transistors at the CRT

Mark Z.

Tech Data

That model was famous for shorted yokes. If the horizontal output is
shorted, save yourself some time and loosen the yoke and carefully
slide it off the neck of the picture tube and look at the coils. If you
see even a small black, charred area, it's shorted and any parts you
change on the pcb is a waste of money. I have used the yokes off 25"
Magnavox's that only required cutting and splicing the yoke connector
and worked perfectly.