Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Santa Monica College, Biodiesel Seminar, September 29, 6:45 pm


Steve Spence

This Thursday, September 29, 6:45 pm, I'll be speaking about biodiesel
for SMC's Center for Environmental and Urban Studies "Environmental
Issues Lecture Series". <>

With crude oil hitting $70 a barrel recently, biodiesel and other
alternatives are more relevant than ever. It seems like every time you
pick up a magazine or turn on the news there's another story about
biodiesel...and that's a wonderful thing!

Folks are waking up to sustainability and realizing that we've got
access to renewable fuel...right here, and right now.

If you're curious and would like to learn more about biodiesel please
join me this Thursday. I'll give a comprehensive overview and answer as
many questions as time permits.

Hope to see you there.

Joe Gershen
LA BioFuel
PO Box 3096
Santa Monica, CA 90408