Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Running circuits with USB to Parallel adapter


Has someone figured out a way to program the parallel port using a USB/parallel adapter.

I test my parallel port driven circuits using my old desktop computer. I would like to use my laptop, but it doesn't have a parallel port. So I would have to use an USB/parallel adapter. However, it is said that this adapters don't offer a way to directly configure the parallel port PINs.

Has someone a way to run circuits using a USB/parallel adapter?

what do you mean by programming parallel port ??

i think that such serial to parallel adapters are manufactured keeping the old parallel printer interface in mind . The new printers are all serially connected , eliminating the need for parallel ports

Apart from connecting such printers , and few other such devices , i think it is difficult to find any other use for the parallel port adapters due to the design limitaions of such adapters .
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Yeah I found an old one recently and tried to use it as a virtual parallel port. It has minimal connections so that it only serves as a printer cable and not the entire port....

Yeah it stinks. If you are very adamant about having a parallel port on a comp with none, you can always buy one of these:
This one
This one
Or This one

2nd only if you have the spare room in your computer.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
And possibly only if your operating system allows access to the hardware.

It certainly may be a problem with any software created before XP came out.