Maker Pro
Maker Pro

rs232 port write program using c

I am working on aduc831 kit.I hav to send byte/nibble to sbuf which has to be displayed on hyperterm
sbuf= 1+48;
sbuf=1+48;sbuf=1+48;sbuf=1+48;Is it poss to send 1111 continuously to sbuf such that nibble displayed on hyperterm.
there is IO p3 port I am changing its switches using as input port input changes frm 0x00 to 0x0f;kindly help running out of time.

Dear khn,

I'm a little confused by your question. I know very little about microprocessors like the 8051 and electronics isn't really my thing neither.

But if this is a C related problem (/* if */) to loop continuously:

for ( ;; )
/* Loop forever and ever */
* sbuf = 0xf; // 1111 in hex to the address pointed by sbuf
/* Next instruction */

That will repeat a given set of instructions forever (until shutdown) but it's just me, I'm most likely misinterpreting your question, sorry.
