Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Rohde & Schwarz SMG err 6 on power up



Hello all,

I have two Rohde & Schwarz SMG 1GHz Signal generators I'm trying to repair
that both get ERR 6 on power up. (I have to press the flashing status
button to get the error. The center LCD says ERR 6, and the right hand LCD
states OP 1) According to the minimal documentation I have, it's saying
that the CMOS battery is low. After replacing the depleted 3.6V lithium
batteries on the CPU cards, the problem persists. I tried removing the two
SRAM chips to allow them to completely lose all their data, when I did
this, on the first power up I get an ERR 6 OP 1.2.3; and on subsequent
power ups I get the original ERR 6 OP 1 again. I verified that backup
power is getting to the SRAMs when the power is off. So, I am guessing
that perhaps I need to somehow clear the error, but I have no information
on how to do this. Is anyone familiar with this unit that could give me
some advice?
