Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Rogers dropping usenet



Yuck. I'm trying the google groups and it seems a step backwards.
I was using the Microsoft newsreader and it was straight-forward and
are there any other alternatives out there similar to what I'm used to?


oh, I found the tree option, that's better, but it still seems slow.

Crash Gordon

yah don't use the html viewer...newsreader is the way to go..quick and easy.

| Yuck. I'm trying the google groups and it seems a step backwards.
| I was using the Microsoft newsreader and it was straight-forward and
| quick
| whatthefuck?
| are there any other alternatives out there similar to what I'm used to?


rogers is dropping it here on the 15th... I have to find an alternative and
yes, html sucks
for this kind of thing


Yeah, that's the final straw ! I had planned to switch to high speed
Sympatico but hadn't made the move yet. If the newsgroup is not going to be
available through Rogers, I'm going to get rid of the high speed cable
connection and go DSL.

Rogers pulls some pretty stupid moves sometimes. Their marketing guys ought
to go back to school - you don't ever drop something that a customer has had
all along without reducing the rate....jessus.....

I hope they lose a bucket load of business over this....


mikey said:
rogers is dropping it here on the 15th... I have to find an alternative
yes, html sucks
for this kind of thing

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?
I opted out of cable Internet because the service isn't as good for
VoIP. Unfortunately, I selected Verizon DSL. They're a royal pain to
deal with. As soon as it's convenient I plan to switch to another
provider. It took over two weeks to get set up and still another week
to get problems straightened out.

The DSL service itself is OK as long as you select a high enough speed.
I get fairly consistent download speeds of ~2.8mB and about 700kB
upload, which is plenty for the VoIP system. I'm told it will be
enough to handle my network, several on premises VoIP stations and an
Asterisk box which we'll probably add next year.

BTW, speaking of VoIP, I've been testing Polycom's SoundPoint IP 501
phones and they're really terrific. We can transfer calls between
stations on and off premises, even across international borders as
easily as between stations in my home / office.

Notwithstanding opposition from the alarm industry, I expect that VoIP
will pretty much obsolesce POTS lines in the next five to ten years.
Much as you may not like it, this is what's coming for telephone
service. Those who adapt to the new technology will fare much better
than those who insist on staying with the old methods.

Robert L Bass


I think they're scoundrels. Remember Cableguard back in the 70s?
They didn't bother telling people they were using diallers like
everybody else because their shit didn't work.


Yep, this what what Rogers told us: Go out and pay for it. I hate the cable
company and have a lot of respect for the telephone company. And look
what's happenned, phone company's losing ground
to sleezebags. They're also making a bundle with that advertising on the
so-called TV guide channel.

Frank Olson

mikey said:
Yuck. I'm trying the google groups and it seems a step backwards.
I was using the Microsoft newsreader and it was straight-forward and
are there any other alternatives out there similar to what I'm used to?

"Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood" is about to lose a few more people. I
wonder what they'll do when "Mr. Mailman" decides to leave too and all
they'll have is highspeed internet.
Yep, this what what Rogers told us: Go out and pay for it.

Of all the nerve! Imagine those people expecting you to pay for
services. Harrumph!! :^)

G. Morgan

Subject: Rogers dropping usenet
=> mikey <= said:
Yuck. I'm trying the google groups and it seems a step backwards.
I was using the Microsoft newsreader and it was straight-forward and
are there any other alternatives out there similar to what I'm used to?

Free and anonymous. You can post 25 messages per day/IP.

It's probably not as fast as the Rogers server (it's in Italy), but it's free.

G. Morgan

Subject: Re: Rogers dropping usenet
=> [email protected] <= said:
Of all the nerve! Imagine those people expecting you to pay for
services. Harrumph!! :^)

I see Athenanetnews dumped your ass. You shouldn't be posting passwords to
private sites. I'm surprised Comcast let you stay on.

Allan Waghalter

I am using "Spam Blocker". It is catching 99% of my spam, about 100 each
day. Puts the rejects in a separate folder for easy review and allows for
adding or removing an address at will. Your blocks are also sent back to
Spam Blocker to be included in the revised database. They have a 30 day
free trial. They were ranked #1 by consumer report.


Who asked you? At least he answered my question.
Thanks, Graham, I'll check it out. (Never mind this meddling asshole).

Frank Olson


As for Comcast, I'll actually be dumping them shortly. It probably
escaped your attention (most things do) that I have been posting via
Verizon for a while.

You mean "Google" don't you??


when you already pay for an internet service,being asked to pay for a
service that you already had is not what I call ok...

its like if you are asked for money when you use a fuel pomp to pay the
expense of the electricity to pump the fuel..