Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Rockwell PPS & 6502

I thought I was replying in that thread but I was told I didn't have the rights to do that! I just registered so maybe it was too early for full rights. I went back and noticed that the original poster was a guest so maybe that made a difference too! Where would I go to provide a link to the documents requested?
That would be down in the Newsgroup Mirror. It's just a copy of something that took place elsewhere on the web, it has nothing to do with electronicspoint.
The "guests" there are not members of this board and can not be reached by our systems.
The original post in question is from 2004, but you should still be able to post a reply.
You could try again if you want to, for the benefit of future Googlers.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You could.

I would advise you to include enough of the original question in your post so that someone googling for the same issue would find your answer.

Alternatively you can try to post on that newsgroup (I think you may require some number of posts on the forums before you can though)

You may as well post the answer here now as it will just add to your post count and be easily googlable.