Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Rock Boot

I need some help with creating a new product I'm calling Rock Boot.
Here is how it will work:
In each shoe there will be an accelerometer, a gyroscope and two pressure sensors. There will be wires going from the shoes up to a housing clipped to the users belt. In this housing there will be a PCB that will wirelessly transmit the data to a computer were it will be turned into a drum kit and effects controller.
What I need to know:
What would be the best sensor to use for measuring the amount of force the user is exerting onto the floor?
Suggestions for places to buy the accelerometer and gyroscope?
What components I will need on my PCB or are there any kits?
What is the best means of transmitting the data, by analogue or digital and in what frequency?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There will be wires going from the shoes up to a housing clipped to the users belt.

I'd think that would be inconvenient.

What would be the best sensor to use for measuring the amount of force the user is exerting onto the floor?

Some sort of strain gauge perhaps.

Suggestions for places to buy the accelerometer and gyroscope?

There are plenty of devices on ebay. they're simple, cheap, and easy to work with.

What is the best means of transmitting the data, by analogue or digital and in what frequency?

I'd use bluetooth from the shoes themselves.