Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Robotix 2011- The largest robotix fest in Asia!

Technology Robotix Society invites all robot enthusiasts to ROBOTIX 2011. Robotix is Asia's largest college level robotics fest held in IIT Kharagpur during its techno-management fest Kshitij from 28th-31st Jan 2011. Robotix 2010 was a success with a participation from over 450 teams with over 2.5 lakhs worth prize money being distributed.Robotix is set to return in 2011 with more challenging events and over 3 lakhs to be given away in prize money.

These are the events for ROBOTIX 2011:

Pirate Bay - A manual event that takes you right into the pirates' playground. Through the course of three exciting rounds, the bot will have to traverse through different type of terrains, climb inclines and release dummies that are "pirates".
RoboCop- An outdoor image processing robotics event where participants compete to build a fully automated robot that acts as a law enforcer.
R.A.F.T- An event that seeks solutions to the major challenge that is flood relief.The task is to build a manually controlled robot or a group of robots which can navigate a raft on water and retrieve people marooned.

The Negotiators- This event requires the participant to write and submit a computer program, which will be pitted against programs written by two other participants in a game of negotiation.
The Fugitives- Build multiple autonomous robots that catch and disable the "fugitive robots" moving randomly through the arena.
Ballista- Build an autonomous robot capable of detecting and shooting projectiles avoiding any detection by the enemy.

Further details are available on our website In case of any doubts or clarifications, please feel free to post on our online
