Maker Pro
Maker Pro


Hi friends,
Its nice to see u after a long time.
I am interested in robotics, can anyone suggest me which book is good for robotics beginner and I want to do projects on Robotics.
Hi I need help, I with assembly code written for the pic 12C508 however I want to use pic 12f675 instead. I use MPLAB IDE and have the template and linker but need guidance on how I can transfer this program. I can use pic programming language only so looking for help to make any alterations to the program. Alternatively if anyone knows of a pic 12f675 robot obstacle avoidance that uses left/right IR LED's and a single IR sensor.
Use the respective manuals and instruction sets and go through the pgm line by line and convert the instruction where and if necessary.
Use the respective manuals and instruction sets and go through the pgm line by line and convert the instruction where and if necessary.
I will have ago although the code was not written in a language I'm familiar with, probably somebody who is a wizard with programming! I can use the pic's 35 instruction codes just about and that's it. Many thanks for your reply however.
Looks like a couple of mistakes in the program and formatting does not conform to the conventional method.
I can look it over tomorrow and see what is needed if necessary.
Looks like a couple of mistakes in the program and formatting does not conform to the conventional method.
I can look it over tomorrow and see what is needed if necessary.
Very kind of you, the program was not written by me...I don't have programming knowledge at this level. As you can see the idea is to pulse two IR LED's mounted left and right of center. The IR sensor mounted between the two will pick up signals and turn the bot left or right to avoid any obstacles. Thank you for sparing your time regards nepow.
You have to decide what language you intend programming in, if C then converting the program it will still be in Assembly as I do not do C.
Do you have a Pic programmer?
You have to decide what language you intend programming in, if C then converting the program it will still be in Assembly as I do not do C.
Do you have a Pic programmer?
Yes I have a Prokit 2 which is listed in MPLAB IDE pic programming and simulation software from microchip. I program using pic.ASM assembly which i run and build using MPLAB IDE if you don't use it this free download from MicroChip will build/debug/and generate hex files etc. I also have another PIC programmer by 'Vellerman 6048' you select the pic chip from a list and import the HEX code and then write to the chip, however it doesn't support 12C508 hence seeking an alternative flash memory device (12f675) or alternatives. Many thanks for your help.
Here is the converted program, I sure it will need a little debuging and tweeking.


  • 12F675Proj.pdf
    38.5 KB · Views: 110
Here is the converted program, I sure it will need a little debuging and tweeking.
Thank you for taking the time and trouble to help me with this. Haven't had chance to check it out so will try over this weekend and will report back. Kind regards