Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Robotic Squirrel Trap

Hi folks,
I stumbled across this forum while researching how to build something I saw on YouTube:

This "Robotic Squirrel Trap" features a sensor to detect the squirrel as well as some mechanism to release and reset the floor.

Many folks have asked the OP to provide details on his build, but he has been pretty quiet other than to claim "A lot of robotics involved , Quite time consuming to build. 3 years in the making".

Any thoughts on the build, especially the trap door? I'm purely a software guy who has dabbled in digital logic, so this is completely out of my domain of knowledge.
Very cool. There is a photo switch in the middle that senses the squirrel. The trap door seems to open and close at the same speed. There are a number of ways that it could be triggered. I'd probably go for a low tech way of simply putting a motor that spins a cam with a connecting rod to pull the door open and closed.

Or, an even lower tech way and just use rat traps.

PS: I love the ominous music.
I have built several 'electronic' mouse traps. They are much more reliable than the 'old' mechanical variety
A wooden box, a door driven by a motor and worm gear. A LED and photo diode at the entrance.
I eradicated an entire family of mice. The 'old' traps simply gave them free dinner.
I also sold my idea to the CSIRO, but I didn't end up building them..
Impressive, and fun to tinker with.
Probably not feasible to try and market something like that.

I got to admit it would be fun (in a sadistic way) to watch squirrels fall to their peril.

As for the mechanism, it could be as simple as a timer circuit sending a pulse to fire a solenoid which would pull open the spring loaded door.

I think I'm going to enjoy this thread if your determined to build one:D
I have built several 'electronic' mouse traps. They are much more reliable than the 'old' mechanical variety
A wooden box, a door driven by a motor and worm gear. A LED and photo diode at the entrance.
I eradicated an entire family of mice. The 'old' traps simply gave them free dinner.
I also sold my idea to the CSIRO, but I didn't end up building them..

Do you have any plans? Or does the fact that you sold the idea prevent you from sharing?
... Many folks have asked the OP to provide details on his build, but he has been pretty quiet other than to claim "A lot of robotics involved , Quite time consuming to build. 3 years in the making". ...
Lemme take a swing here: a $3 Chinese Arduino clone, a photodiode and a big RC servo. ...And a 5v power supply... And some wood and metal to build the thing, of course.

... I got to admit it would be fun (in a sadistic way) to watch squirrels fall to their peril. ...
Maybe not their peril--maybe a washtub or a kiddy pool filled with clean water, so they get soaked but they can still get out.

I have no objections to shooting/killing pest animals, but personally I kinda thing a person is silly to try to "remove" common pest animals from their property using any method since there's lots more where they came from. In this case it would be more productive to build a bird feeder that the squirrels simply can't reach. In other cases with rabbits and pigeons I've seen where people thought they could 'shoot the ones living in my yard' and almost immediately more moved in.
Removing squirrels is like bailing out a lake with a bucket. Been there, done that...until I moved a mother squirrel and then discovered her newborn litter. :( I wised up.

I kinda thing a person is silly to try to "remove" common pest animals from their property using any method since there's lots more where they came from.
I agree if their far away from your home, but sometimes people are just overran with rodents like squirrels and chipmunks. Call it silly, but "taking "out" some of them certainly reduces their population.
Around me anyway it's illegal to relocate rodents.
The damage they can do if they get into your house is undeniable.