Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Resqueline's 2,000th post!

Thank you Tim! :)
I'm sorry that particular thread turned out the way it did by the way, but I guess you can't win'em all.. :(
I hope (trust) the majority of you feel I'm doing a good job however, without being too rough on you. ;)
Even though you're a lot quieter than Steve, I certainly do appreciate all of your knowledge and expertise, and your willingness to help us out. My thought process has always been along the lines of "Use 'em while you got 'em!" I am doing my best to glean every tidbit of information I can while I'm an active member of this forum. Still need to get my hands on "The Art of Electronics"... (need to save up a little for that one. Almost reminds me of buying college textbooks... boy were some of those expensive!)

By the way, what's your name?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I too appreciate Resquuline's knowledge and expertise.

Even though my posts may number more, I don't think the total infomation content beats Resqueline's. :)

edit: I did spot that 2000th post and I remember hoping at the time that it wasn't the actual 2000th post.


wooo hoooo party party party :)

well done Res

I hope (trust) the majority of you feel I'm doing a good job however, without being too rough on you.

naaaaa... its steve we all fear the whip cracking from hahaha ;)
