Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Resources for Fast Circuit Design for Signal Timing

I suppose my electronics dates me a bit, but I am good down to about 10 nanoseconds at best. I have used standard IC components that work around 10ns. And a few microprocessors in the 50ns regime.

Recently I get more requests, largely in spectroscopy, for fast circuits below this regime--quantities of 1 ns or even less. I see faster GPU processors and FPGAs in the multiple Ghz range that could possibly handle some of this, and I have used shielded cables to create timing circuits around a couple of ns but I don't have a concrete up-to-date knowledge of faster timing. Looking through Amazon I don't think this is published.

Does anyone know of resources for sub nano-second timing design?

Harald Kapp

I guess no one uses ECL designs anymore - at least not in noticeable amounts.
I found this here: High speed digital design from 1993 on Amazon. A sequel to this is High speed signal propagation by the same author, 1993, also available on Amazon.
Or a more recent article in EETimes from 2010.
Also series of blogs on high speed digital and mixed signal design on

Generally in the sub-ns domain wires or traces are no longer simple wires but transmission lines. Signal integrity becomes utterly relevant.