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Resetting/Hacking Sony Car Stereos from Japanese Tuning to US...service manuals?

Resetting/Hacking Sony Car Stereos from Japanese Tuning to
US...service manuals?

Hi there...

I was wondering if someone has any idea if ANY of the Sony "WX" series
of double-din car stereos (japanese or usa models) can be "hacked" so
that their tuners can be changed from japanese fm tuning to us/uk or
world tuning and vice-versa???

I recently purchased a Sony WX-C88REC double-din cd/md recorder from
eBay. This is a japanese market deck and is factory set for japanese
fm tuning. However, the design and physical layout of this deck is
very similar to other US models (such as the WX-4500X and the WX-
C5000, as well as the WX-C55 which looks nearly identical). I'm
nearly convinced that there MUST be some way to hack the japanese
models so that their tuners can be "switched" to us or world frequency
range tuning. I find it difficult to believe that Sony would design
two distinct different tuner hardware modules for japanese and
american versions. Problem is, I have no clue HOW to "hack" this
feature. I don't have a service manual for ANY "WX" series stereos,
but I'm thinking that it may possibly be an option in a service manual
for ANY of the "WX" decks. Again, I find it difficult to believe that
this isn't "set-able" some sort of way.

Does anyone out there have an idea? Does anyone out there have ANY
service manual for ANY "WX" series Sony stereo? Or, for that matter,
does anyone have a service manual for ANY Sony car stereo that
addresses in ANY way setting the tuner for different tuning freqency

I realize there are adapters available to transpose the FM
frequencies. I've used them before, always with poor results
(stations usually overlap and are weak). I mainly record off the
radio with my MDX-C800REC's in my other cars, but always thought it
would be cool to be able to dub cd's quickly in-dash digitally without
having to mess with a cd changer. But, radio recording is my primary
concern...and the adapters don't provide the quality I want for

PLEASE help ANYBODY if you can steer me in the right direction or help
in ANY way. If anyone has ANY Sony service manuals for ANY stereo,
please let me know...perhaps if setting the tuner IS an option, maybe
it is a standard procedure to set ANY Sony stereo's tuning in a
similar fashion.

Thank you VERY much!

Gary Tait

[email protected] wrote in
Resetting/Hacking Sony Car Stereos from Japanese Tuning to
US...service manuals?

Hi there...

I was wondering if someone has any idea if ANY of the Sony "WX" series
of double-din car stereos (japanese or usa models) can be "hacked" so
that their tuners can be changed from japanese fm tuning to us/uk or
world tuning and vice-versa???

In the olden days of PLL, one used to be able to play with option diodes
that were somehow tied into the keypad scan circuits.

Newer radios may have a service menu or secet key combo, or a setting on
an eeprom you have to manually adjust by reading the eeprom to a PC,
modifying the data, and writing it back. Worst case scenarion, the
controller is hard coded for the frequency format you do't want, meaning
you will need to replace the micro with one coded for your locale.

That is generally though. I can't say specifically for your model.

And that is for the display. A Japanese tuner front end may not be able
to tune all of American FM well, or vice versa.