Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Resettable overload protector default setting

I just bought this Surge Protector from RadioShack: Last night one of the sockets appeared to be registering some current when it was supposedly off but today I got the shop to test all the sockets when they were off and on to make sure that they are working properly and there appeared to be no problem.

I couldn't get a straight answer about the resettable overload protector (second picture in the gallery - red switch). This is by default not hard. It doesn't even really click and is relatively loose. Should this be hard by default or does it come into action when there is too much current going through the main socket? I need to know whether to return it or not.

Many thanks for any advice.


I couldn't get a straight answer about the resettable overload protector (second picture in the gallery - red switch). This is by default not hard. It doesn't even really click and is relatively loose. Should this be hard by default or does it come into action when there is too much current going through the main socket? I need to know whether to return it or not.

it's just a little button on a lever for resetting the circuit breaker. Some I have used, the red button is slightly wobbly when the breaker is set and they pop out a few mm
when the breaker activates
Last night one of the sockets appeared to be registering some current when it was supposedly off

By this do you mean the neon was glowing dimly?
If so then this is normal.

It is not an indication of current but of voltage presence.
In some installations, given the nature of the MEN system, some small voltage can be present on the neutral.
With the neon being a fairly sensitive device (low current) it can sometimes have the properties you saw.
Again, all normal.
Thanks for your replies. This shows the wisdom of providing instructions with electronic equipment which many manufacturers seem to skimp on now. I think I will still go to the shop to satisfy myself that they are all like that!