Maker Pro
Maker Pro




My inlaws gave me their Mitsubishi projection screen tv when it quit
working. It will com on bu not stay on, then the standby light will
start blinking once per second. I need the schematics and or service
manual to run down the problem.
You can order the service manual from any manufactures authorized parts
distributor and sometimes directly from them. Most big screen service
manuals run right at $100 complete. Make sure you have the correct
Make And Model number before you start searching.

For the blinking light on a TP55F81, the tv is in protect mode. You
will need to troubleshoot the 16 or so different circuits that are
monitored by the protect circuitry to determine which one is the cause
then the you can track down the actual failure.

Jerry G.

The service manual for your set runs in the area of about $100. Make sure
when you order it, that you properly specify the model number. This manual
may still be available.

The service centres will not photocopy or sell copies. These manuals are
copyright material, and no service centre is going to risk his business by
giving away a copy.


Jerry G.

My inlaws gave me their Mitsubishi projection screen tv when it quit
working. It will com on bu not stay on, then the standby light will
start blinking once per second. I need the schematics and or service
manual to run down the problem.

Leonard Caillouet

Why do you guys post such crap when you really don't know.

First of all, TP55F81 is a Toshiba model number. There is no Mitsubishi of
this model, at least not marketed in the USA. You can buy the Toshiba
manual from distributors such as Tritronics for $15.00. If it was a
Mitsubishi model, their manuals or either $40 or $50 retail to consumers,
half that to a dealer. Most manuals are not $100. Some require service
subscriptions and specific software, but other than those, most manuals are
not in the $100 range except Pioneer service manuals. Most are $15 - $50.

These generic replies that give no good information or are just plain wrong
are getting old. You guys who post here all the time should have better
things to do than waste your time and mislead others. If you are not
familiar with a specific model, why reply?

The OP should check his make and model. If the model is correct, it could
be anything from a cold solder joint to a shorted CRT. The set needs some
diagnosis before much can be said.

The service manual may not tell you much if you are not an experienced tech.
Often the training material, if available, will be more useful but are
generally less likely to be available.


Leonard Caillouet

First thing to look for on this model would be bad solder connections, then
bad convergence output amp. Could be dozens of other things. Basic
troubleshooting is needed.



You are correct, it is a Toshiba. I was talking about a car with a
friend just before I posted that message and obviously missidentified
my television type. That said, the model number and type of television

Model -- TP55F81
Chasis -- TAC - 9678
Manufactured -- September - 1997 - G.
Just an FYI, the last Toshiba service manual ordered in single was $56
including the shipping plus the training manual was another $30. Not
quite $100.

Just the limited Toshiba manual on the TP55F81 is $15 on Is this the full manual of just the limited one
that has the schematic and references another model numbers service
manual for the remaining information?

If he needs the service manual, he needs to make sure he has the
complete set, including training manual if he has limited repair

Agreed, some standard troubleshooting is in order. A google groups
archive search might help for hints on where to start as well.


I just purchased a Full Service Manual for a
Tosh Pro set in Toronto for $15.00cdn. + S/H
at Video Phase.
