Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Request: Schematics for a micro processor project (single board computer)



Some time ago (5 or so years back) in College I took a course on
Microprocessor Systems Design - the end project was an 8088 based
computer on a PCB that
8288 clock circuit
Ram/Rom modules
Buffer/Transciever/Address decoding logic
and of course the requisite LED/seven segment display ...

I would like to know if anyone has links/schematics/info on such
projects - but NOT limited to the 8088 - I am a bit more interested
in Sparcs/PPC' and various RISC based systems ...

I would love to recreate such a project - the hours spent, under-
standing the schematic,creating the PCB, soldering the components
were a great asset to me ...

Thanks in advance