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Maker Pro

Request for help obtaining 5metres of 50 pair Cat3 cable, Devon UKCharity



Please could I ask for your assistance in my quest to beg,
borrow or buy 5 metres of 50 pair Cat3 cable?

The local office of a well-known national charity is
relocating and I was happy to agree to put in the structured
cabling in their new office for free. However, I am stuck
for this short piece of cable - without which I will either
have to pay several hundred pounds for a full reel or
several hundred pounds to BT to provide it. The charity (and
I) would much rather spend the money on helping people in need.

If you can help, (or know a man that can), please drop me an
email. That few hundred pounds may not sound much - but it
represents an awful lot of income from home-baked cakes and
jumble sales!


Call you local cabling contractors, or call the phone company. footage in
that range is thrown away often.

Roy Q.T.

Man: I saw what must have been over a 500 foot coil of RG59 Discarded in
a Renovation [used for Cable TV and Video Applications] and left it for
it's size.

Make sure your prepared to handle weight & size if you come across this
Luck or The Angel Charities handy work };-) [GL]



One kind person in the other group to which I posted this
request lives only 20 minutes or so away and has agreed to
donate it. I had asked the phone company but they haven't

Many thanks

Roy Q.T.

Cool !
That was quick };-{) don't you just love people ? i haven't stopped
thanks for letin us know.
Best Wishes,