Maker Pro
Maker Pro

REQ: Schematic or service manual (preferred) for a RCA F27185DW (CTC-159) TV please.



If you saw my other recent request, yup, I not only need a service manual
for my NEC, but for my RCA as well. It's a model # F27185DW which has a
CTC-159 chassis I believe. I can not find the chassis # anywhere on the
cabinet or PCB, but according to information I found during one of my MANY
searches for a manual on line, I'm pretty sure it is the CTC-159 chassis.

If you can post the service manual or even just the schematic if that's all
you have to alt.binaries.schematics.electronic I'd REALLY appreciate it.

As with the NEC manual or schematic I requested, if you don't have an
uploadable file of it, I'd be interested in purchasing a hard copy or an
original service manual if the price is reasonable.

It is another of my favorite TV's that I'd like to keep going as long as I
do. ;-)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
