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Replacing one Toroidal with 3 x ordinary transformers ?


I have a powered audio mixing desk that has a destroyed toroidal
tranny. I can't get a replacement (trust me, I've tried hard). I've
had quotes to rewind a new one and they're all over 100 UKP ($177 US)
- I'm not willing to spend that on this desk. My question is, can I
replace the three voltages that the toroidal supplied with 3 x
ordinary transformers ? I could house them in a separate box with a
suitable cable taking the power to the desk.

The toroidal supplied:-

2 x 51.1V No Load (49.0V 0.10Amp)
2 x 44.5V No Load (42.6V 3.50Amp)
2 x 21.0V No Load (20.0V 0.50Amp)

What are my chances of getting three trannies close enough to these
figures ? Are they standard-ish voltages ?

....or am I just wasting my time and should throw the desk in the trash
now ?

Many thanks,



James Sweet


I have a powered audio mixing desk that has a destroyed toroidal
tranny. I can't get a replacement (trust me, I've tried hard). I've
had quotes to rewind a new one and they're all over 100 UKP ($177 US)
- I'm not willing to spend that on this desk. My question is, can I
replace the three voltages that the toroidal supplied with 3 x
ordinary transformers ? I could house them in a separate box with a
suitable cable taking the power to the desk.

The toroidal supplied:-

2 x 51.1V No Load (49.0V 0.10Amp)
2 x 44.5V No Load (42.6V 3.50Amp)
2 x 21.0V No Load (20.0V 0.50Amp)

What are my chances of getting three trannies close enough to these
figures ? Are they standard-ish voltages ?

...or am I just wasting my time and should throw the desk in the trash
now ?

Many thanks,



Check around, a guy I know had some much larger toroids custom wound for a
power amplifier and they were something like $84 each, or around 50 UKP.

Sam Goldwasser


I have a powered audio mixing desk that has a destroyed toroidal
tranny. I can't get a replacement (trust me, I've tried hard). I've
had quotes to rewind a new one and they're all over 100 UKP ($177 US)
- I'm not willing to spend that on this desk. My question is, can I
replace the three voltages that the toroidal supplied with 3 x
ordinary transformers ? I could house them in a separate box with a
suitable cable taking the power to the desk.

The toroidal supplied:-

2 x 51.1V No Load (49.0V 0.10Amp)
2 x 44.5V No Load (42.6V 3.50Amp)
2 x 21.0V No Load (20.0V 0.50Amp)

What are my chances of getting three trannies close enough to these
figures ? Are they standard-ish voltages ?

...or am I just wasting my time and should throw the desk in the trash
now ?

It should be relatively easy to find transformers that would be suitable.
You might not get the exact voltages but it's not likely they are critical.
If you know what the final voltage output of each power supply is, you can
always adjust the voltage going to it or add an external regulator.

If you house them separately, it shouldn't matter that they aren't
toroids. I doubt it would matter even if they were mounted inside.

Look through some catalogs.

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