Maker Pro
Maker Pro

replace lcd monitor ccfl backlight?

I have a lcd with a bad ccfl backlight. It has dark spot at both end of
the tube. When the lcd is on, the bad one flickers and has less light.

Question: I found a good backlight from a broken panel(different panel
model #) with the same length, diameter. However, I dont' know the
lamp's starting voltage, working voltage and watts.

If i want to swap the lamp, do i have to know these parameters?
Most of the ccfl lamps will work anywhere between 900 and 1200 volts
They are fairly interchangeable, if about the same size.
I have even used a lamp from a flatbed scanner in a LCD monitor.
The lamp was an inch shorter and about twice as thick, but it still
worked until I could find a better one.
I would try it.
Hope this helps....

James Sweet

I have a lcd with a bad ccfl backlight. It has dark spot at both end of
the tube. When the lcd is on, the bad one flickers and has less light.

Question: I found a good backlight from a broken panel(different panel
model #) with the same length, diameter. However, I dont' know the
lamp's starting voltage, working voltage and watts.

If i want to swap the lamp, do i have to know these parameters?

Watts is determined mostly by the inverter rather than the lamp. These
things are all pretty similar, if it physically fits, there's at least a
90% chance it will work perfectly. If in doubt, wire it up to the
inverter in the monitor before you actually swap the lamp, if it lights
up you're good to go.
James said:
Watts is determined mostly by the inverter rather than the lamp. These
things are all pretty similar, if it physically fits, there's at least a
90% chance it will work perfectly. If in doubt, wire it up to the
inverter in the monitor before you actually swap the lamp, if it lights
up you're good to go.

James is right on!!

H. R. (Bob) Hofmann