Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Repairing a Sony DVD Recorder Model RDR-GXD500

My Sony DVD recorder broke down. It refused to see blank DVDs and pre-recorded DVDs. I took it to the official local Sony repair agent who said it needed a new "loader" but sadly these were no longer available from Sony. I recorded a number of TV programmes using this machine but did not "finalise" all of them. I can only finalise and play the DVDs on that machine and none other and it is imperative that I get it repaired.

Can some kind guru tell me what to do and if anyone knows of a repairer anywhere in the UK who could repair the unit, if necessary at component level.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
As far as I am aware, unfinalised DVDs can only be played or finalised on the particular unit on which they were recorded -- unless you know differently.

As far as I know, this is not the case.

It *might* be the case if the designer of the hardware does nasty tricks in the software, but I can't see why they would bother.

In any case, most PCs won't really care if the disc is finalised or not and should just be able to read it. If it's a special format, they may not be able to write it, but I assume that reading it in the original device is not your aim as it no longer works...
Probably because it's Sony, and they're notorious for proprietary work.
I have a Sony DVD recorder. If you don't finalize the disc, it won't play on a
DVD player. *steve* may be right, that's it's a software issue from Sony, but it's
a fact.
I've taken Sony Beta and DVD recorders to local 'authorized' Sony repair shops in town,
and they have NEVER fixed my recorders correctly. If Sony still supports the product
(I know they don't stock parts for this one), you need to ship it to the actual Sony
factory repair place nearest you for a problem like this. (I know you can't here)
I only have one Sony DVD recorder so never tried it, but *steve*s idea of getting a
second Sony DVD recorder (of the same model?) might be the best bet, to try to
finalize those discs. And don't ever record again, without finalizing them.
It may or may not work, I don't know how Sony rigged their machines to not allow
unfinalized discs not to play on other recorders. Maybe you could contact Sony and
ask them. Good luck.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
A quick google search for "windows read sony non-finalised dvd" returned this.

Heaps of other hits I didn't bother to click on too.