Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Repairing a Sony D-25 Discman

Hello Everyone! :)

Well a while ago I picked up a Sony D-25 at a garage sale in hopes of it working. It looked very well made: the case was almost totally metal and also really solid. When I got home I powered it up just to find that the screen was not working right. Here's a photo:
Then I put a CD in and it sounded like it was trying to play it, but then it turned its self off. So then, just for fun, I looked on ebay to see how much one of these cost. They cost about US $69 for one that does not work! :eek:

Do you guys think it might be possible to repair? If so what should I do next?

Thanks for your time!! :)
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Sadly passed away in 2015
Might be possible. Whip it open and have a look for obvious damage such as water damage or damage from being dropped.
Hey Kris! :)
Well I popped it open and I didn't see anything obviously damaged... Here's some photos:
There appears to be another PCB under the main one. And it also looks like I would have to unsolder a pot to get at it. Do you think I should? Also are there any measurements I should take on the main board?
Thanks for your time!! :)


Sadly passed away in 2015
Hmm. I've searched for the service manual but no luck. If there's no obvious damage, and no documentation, I wouldn't know where to start. The chip under the sticker is sure to be a Sony custom part, probably also undocumented.

It's over 20 years old now, so there's a good chance the laser is stuffed anyway.

If you can find a service manual for it, I might be able to help.
Well I did some looking for the service manual, but I also could not find it. I did find the user manual though...

I know a guy who sells on ebay, so I think I'll see if he'll sell it for a commission. :)