Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Repair manual for AG-7350 ? Anyone please....


Richard Principal

What the #### is a AG-7350 no wonder no one has offered to help you


Uns Lider

What the #### is a AG-7350 no wonder no one has offered to help you

It's a VTR. The book should be available from Panasonic for about $30...

-- uns


Surely any repair bill you submit to the customer on such
a Expensive deck, should cover the cost
of a service manual.
Not unless your extremely Cheap.
Maybe one of those places that claims to do FREE Estimates?
You know, the kind of mentality that has destroyed anyone from making
a profit on this junk.


Well its a panasonic...but so What!!
What do you want from us? Scan the entire manual and post it here?
or maybee spent $40.00 at the copy shop to make a copy for you?


Ho dear I have asked for something that many of you must consider to be
like gold. A am sorry. I forget that it is so easy to just ask for something
on the internet and think no one will have a problem with it. It must be
because I have found so many things on the internet free that I thought
this might be the place to see if someone has a repair manual in a PDF.
I have a old and torn service manual for a AG-7350 - 7100 but it is in
bad shape. So just asking for something like that must be the same
as stilling, right ? I will ask God to forgive me. But I will not ask you
to forgive me because I do not know you and you may not be a Christian
believer anyway and I do not want to offend a Muslim or a Jew and you
cant be a Roman Catholic because anything they do is not bad so long as
the church says " yes, that's what we want to do in the name of God".
Well I was repairing the VTR for a Ministry, NOT that it is any of your
business anyway. Say, I don't read you hinting around to anyone else about
the price's covering the cost of a repair manual and surely there are a lot
of them ask for in this group !

And as for being poor or "extremely Cheap" well I may have been poor
at one time in my live but not I am rich is spirit. I may not have a lot of
money but Jesus said " Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven. And , Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown
mercy. And, Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
And one more " Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and
falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. "

Well you did not know me, all I did was "ask for a manual." It must be the
that brings out the worst in people to just " jump on the band wagon" and
that they are part of the band when that stopped playing there flute years

You did not know I was a professing follower in Jesus Christ but you insult
Anyway right off the bat. And why ? What made you do that ? Evil hatred for
someone you do not know. You assume I am trying to take your job away.
"You sound mad." Why ? You don't know me, you might like me if you worked
with me. Most others do like me but you don't know me but you hate me. Why ?
Evil !

I love you my friend, I hope you will find the truth before you say goodbye
this life. " Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" Matt
I will say a prayer tonight for you.

Gary Woods

Approx said:
So just asking for something like that must be the same
as stilling, right ? I will ask God to forgive me. But I will not ask you
to forgive me because I do not know you and you may not be a Christian
believer anyway

By now, those of us who were mildly amused at the reactions to your request
(I took a look; didn't have it, though I have a bunch of Sony U-matic
stuff) have now written you off as a major twit, prone to bible spouting
when aggrieved.

It _was_ a huge request, you know. Those are FAT manuals.... do you have
any concept how big a .pdf of it would be, assuming Matsushita didn't have
a cow?

Something to, I think, Mark Twain: "Better to remain silent and be thought
a fool...."



I anticipate people like you to say such things as you only quote
from mans wisdom and not that of God. I think it is a better place
for people like me who live the things I say than say the things I
would like others to here me say !

Yes I quote not "spout " the Bible because that is what I love
and there are people like you, Roman Catholic's and Muslim's
would like nothing more than for me and people like me to crawl
under a rock and hide. Sense 9-11 you may kiss those days good
buy because you do not know me and you say "those of us " ( speaking
for all ) " have now written you off " so you speak for ALL now.
Who is the bigger major twit now. You assume I have a low IQ, you
don't know me. Just because I study and live what I believe you think
I should go hide.

Dude this is the year 2003 and you don't own the internet, I can quote
the Bible till the moon turns blue and people like you will just go right
on thinking I do not have a right to speak my mind because I believe but
you have a right to quote "Mark Twain" HAAA ! The gal !.

The Bible is bigger and better than both of us, it will out live and out
any book ever !

Now as for a PDF size, yes I know how large a PDF can be. Have you ever
seen a cable modem ? PDF books can be very large like the MSDN book
for Microsoft about 70 Meg. That's not to big for my Cable modem to
download and not to big for my Hard Drive 120Gbyte. I can store a 70Meg
file on a CD-ROM and have room for more !

Man a PDF is not large at all. I have made them at work for others. You
just assume and keep on assuming I am a twit. Go on make yourself look
like one. I will not shut up just because you assume to speak for all users.
Most of the time the only ones who will speak up are the people like you
that love nothing more that to push others around and make them think
you are the god of the internet and you make the rules. NOT !

Dude I handle a LARGE network and service many workstations but you
assume I am a " twit " and maybe even a flamer going from news group
to news group starting a war of words. " I am not ". I am as smart as you
and maybe I know more than you, but that is not the issue here.
The issue here is I will ask for help any time I like and if someone jumps
in and is full of hate anger and tries to intimidate me and says I cant ask
help or quote the Bible but you can ask for help and quote Mark Twain well
he or she better get ready for an ear full because the days of Christian's
in there churches and people trying to keep us silent is over buddy.


Gary Woods

Approx said:
I am as smart as you
and maybe I know more than you, but that is not the issue here.
The issue here is I will ask for help any time I like and if someone jumps
in and is full of hate anger and tries to intimidate me and says I cant ask
help or quote the Bible but you can ask for help and quote Mark Twain well
he or she better get ready for an ear full because the days of Christian's
in there churches and people trying to keep us silent is over buddy.

I rest my case.


I anticipate people like you to say such things as you only quote
from mans wisdom and not that of God

**** you, and **** your miserable god, shitstain.