Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Repair Flex Circuit

Hi guys,
Is it possible to repair a damaged flex circuit? Pls refer to the attached image below.

Thank you, I really appreciate it :)


I have repaired these in the past with conductive silver paint
but it will ONLY work if the cable isnt contineously flexed as with age and drying out
the paint does become brittle and cracks
if it can be "painted" and then reinstalled you may get away with it for some time

else there isnt much else that I know of that could solve it for you

Dave N

PS I once saw a very rough repair job on a ribbon cable like that where the
repairer used stationary staples to link across the broken tracks :eek:

I dont recommend it
If you can't buy a replacement, I've used davenn's method successfully, they sell a nickel and a silver (considerably more expensive) conductive repair paint. If you have any skill with a soldering iron (careful not to melt the plastic), I have also just soldered a jumper of conventional ribbon cable over the break. Don't try this if you haven't done much soldering, you can easily melt the green plastic. Really though, flat ribbon cable has become considerably less expensive than it used to be. I'd try to find a replacement if you can. Good Luck.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
If this flexible circuit is used to connect 2 pieces of equipment that don't move relative to each other, then any of the fixes listed above have a really good shot at working.

If, however, it is in constant motion (I am reminded of the flexible ribbon connecting a print head to the printer's motherboard) then the fixes will be (at best) temporary.

It looks to me like the ribbon is too short to be connected to a print head, so I'd say you should go ahead with the method that most suits you.

In a case where I've had to repair a cable like this, (some conductors had been eaten away by corrosion) I soldered little wire bridges across the break. Beware that some of these flex cables will melt if you try this, others will not -- try touching your iron to somewhere innocuous to see if it melts before you try this.