Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Remote video monitor with loudspeaker

Hi All,
I'm looking for a little advice (or a lot). It's easy to find a video camera that I can monitor from the internet. I have not been able to find a loudspeaker I can control remotely from the internet.

Here is the problem. My new pup is growing very fast. I am not home all the time to watch him and he has taken to searching tabletops and counter tops for anything he can grab. Today it was a glass I left near the sink and he smashed it an cut himself. Beyond my attention to keeping counters clean, I was hoping to be able to monitor him remotely and scold him accordingly.

Any thoughts on how to achieve this?



hi welcome to the forums :)

first thing that comes to mind would be to use skype or similar such VoIP system

Look at IP ready baby monitors, some have 2 way audio ability...

Or even just your generic webcams that support remote IP functions...

No recommendations but there are tons of devices I have some across that do what you want...
just a note, I had a dog once and we tried using the intercom to scold him when he played up...... my poor puppy was confused and it really freaked him out. he could hear us but couldn't find us, which stressed him out.
maybe rather than your voice you could use a loud screecher, or buy a prepaid phone and set the ringtone to something the dog does not like. you could also start training him by when you are present to use that noise, then when you are out just call the number to get him to cower in a corner for a bit. if you attach it to his collar then you have the added bonus of it always being close to him, and if he goes missing, depending on the phone of course, you can track him via gps.
Thanks All

Good ideas all around. He's a quick learner so hopefully weekend training with tempting items left near the edges will translate to those times when I'm not there as well.

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