Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Remote shotgun blast sound

First I know nothing about this kind of stuff I am looking to create a realistic loud shotgun blast though a speaker I have the remote system down I need the system to hold the digital sound and come on instantly when power hits the system, thinking something like a mp3 player I am sure I would need a amp and good speaker I would like it to be heard 300 yrds away Again no nothing about electronics .Thanks
300 yards? Not an easy task. The sound energy in a real shotgun blast is enormous and not easily reproduced electronically without considerable effort and a large, powerful amplifier/speaker arrangement.

MP3 is a good idea and the actual sound reproduction would be accurate using it but you'll need a good amplifier (100 watts+) and appropriate speaker system - outdoors you'd be looking at a horn speaker (even more expensive) or even a couple/trio of them.

All the parts are easily obtained as modules via the likes of eBay and not expensive (other than the horn speakers). You might be better off finding an actual shotgun cartridge firing system.....

Nothing complicated then - just expensive!
These might be a far easier way. I saw an article a while back about a device that charged a capacitor to 100s of volts, and then simply discharged it into a high powered speaker. This was claimed to make a realistic gubshot sound, which makes sense because it would basically act like an explosion.

then simply discharged it into a high powered speaker
Can't see a speaker standing up to that kind of abuse for too long though. Torn cone surrounds....???

But, now you mention it, don't farmers have such stuff as crow deterrents?
Come to think of it, that might have been the purpose of the article or thread. I have done some searches but I can't seem to find it.

The devices to do bird control are propane fired I am not looking for that cost is not a issue just need ideas thanks for the ones so far
I doubt you will find any all-electronic solution here that is cheaper than, and anywhere near as loud, as the propane cannons. If there was one, they would be using that instead.