Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Remote control wanted for RCA TV/VCR

My friend wants to get a remote control for her TV. It's an RCA TV/VCR
combination. Model #T20000BK. Remote control #218882. Generic #

Any sites I've found are selling them for over $50.00. My friend does
not want to spend any more than $20.00 for one. Does anybody own one?

Generics may "work", if you consider "work" to be turn on/off, change
volume and channels then you have the wonderful programming every time
the stupid thing is dropped, batteries changed, ect, ect., but if you
want a remote that works correctly, you need the original RCA. Why is
everyone so damn cheap??? Spend $50, get the right remote or throw the
set in the trash and buy a new one. Stupid generic remotes ought to be
outlawed. I only "want" to spend $.25 on a gallon of gas too, but that
ain't gonna happen I'm afraid, I can mix 85% water and 15% gas and make
a $.25 gallon of gas which works better than a generic remote.