Maker Pro
Maker Pro

remote activation??? need help.

Hi Guys,

First off I'm very new to this type of thing so my knowlage base is squat!!! I love what electronics guys do and would like to learn a bit myself but for know I'm just after some help in figuring out a new project I'm working on.

What I'm trying to achieve is, I need to send a signal from a switch to a remote control hopefully a control that can contain a beeper and fit on a key ring. The signal only has to go about 100 to 200 meters basically from a yard or workshop to an office.

Is this even possible and would it be something that we can get made in decent numbers with cost in mind???

Thanks in advance :)
just to get this right? basically you want a control box with a circuit that acceptas a signal from an infrared sender that makes a buzzer beeps isit?? i will look into uit for you. but first of all am i right in what you are basically looking for??
wow 100meters on an infared signal... isn't there another way. also if it is infared do you have direct line of sight? in fact there are a few things that I would worry about with infared. if you got an old rc car(any toy with 2 options actually, e.g. forward back, up down etc) you could manipulate it. some of the cheap ones still have good range.