Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Relief Biometrics?

Is there any type of system/sensor/laser able to analize and recognize our body by its relief? for example... an optic laser which instead of reading the retina of the eye... it would read the eyebrow, eyelashes, shapes...

Im new on the forum/totally noob on electronics and no native english speaker so... sorry in advance if i made any mistake there :p

Also thx for your attention!
You do realize that that device is a handheld scanner and needs to sweep across the object you are scanning.
There are lots of options available to do a scan like that, and many of them can be homemade.
Take a look at Surface From Motion (SFM) software and 'photogrammetry' software. This requires either a short video of the scanning object or camera in motion, or multiple pictures from slightly different angles.
You can also take a look at homemade 3D scanners and the Xbox Kinnect. (Typical setup is one camera, and a laser pointer. The resulting image can calculate depth of the image based on the offset of the laser in the image.)
Oh! That are awsome news for me (as i said... 0 clue about this world sadly) I will study it asap. Thx Gryd3! :)
Oh! That are awsome news for me (as i said... 0 clue about this world sadly) I will study it asap. Thx Gryd3! :)
Enjoy your search... I think the tricky part will be doing processing on the scans afterward... I am not aware of any software that will lead you in the right direction on that.
If you don't care so much about 'depth' of the image and more so on the 2 dimensional look, take a peek at OpenCV. It's an open source image recognition software package that can be used for anything from turret control, to allowing an automated drone to follow a target.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Oh, and needless to say, if your going to scan someone's face with a laser, remember to tell them not to stare into the laser with their remaining eye!

Seriously, it's potentially dangerous and I'd be looking for something that doesn't require scanning my face with a laser.