Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Recharge circuit


Thank you..
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The box marked [?] is a lithium ion charger.

Of course, a 5V supply will have a hard time charging a 7.4V battery.

An almost acceptable option is a current limited voltage regulated source. In this case 8.4V and the appropriate current (0.5C is usually OK).

And especially note -- current limited, not rated current!
Thank you steve .

but what is the different between current limited and rated current!

and if you have a circuit diagram please share.

Thank you.


Thank you steve .

but what is the different between current limited and rated current!

and if you have a circuit diagram please share.

Thank you.

Current limited = a power supply that cannot put out more current than what it is limited to

Rated current = the amount of current a device will need to run correctly

so for example with some rechargable batteries, you may need a current limited power supply so that the rated charging current of the batteries is never exceeded

so you can see 2 very different thing :)

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