Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Receiver does not show stereo light

I have an ancient receiver Polyvox PR 1800 (decade of 1970).

It gets FM strong and fine but does not show stereo light.

I already replaced the CA1310 (FM stereo decoder) and the CA3089 (oscilator) and the problem continues.

What can be the origin of the problem?
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maybe the lamp has blown ??


Lamp is working.
Tomorrow I will play a music of Beatles (We can Work it Out) that has singers in one channel and instruments in other, to see if it is generating stereo. I will use a CD and an FM stereo transmitter. Maybe it is only the indicator that is not working.

Lamp power, as I can see, comes directly from the CA1310. I intend to replace it again.
It is possible that it has burnt during soldering.
Make sure you have a proper antenna for FM reception (They're directional, if you're
far from the transmitter).
From your second post, you're apparently using an auxillary input to check if your
receiver/amplifier is outputting a stereo signal.
They're two different things.