Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Rearview Mirror w/ Back-Up Monitor screen is cloudy until manual reset

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using a Rydeen MN312S Rearview Mirror that has a back-up camera monitor. The unit automatically turns on when I turn my vehicle on. However, this unit has a cloudy (milky white) screen when I start it up. At that point, if I manually turn it off and on again, it will work just fine, but sometimes it takes 2-3 tries before it appears normal. Every time I start the car, the cloudiness happens. The last trip I made to town, I had to turn the unit on and off at least 6 times in 2 hours. I have another one of these units and that one is working fine. My warranty is up and I need to repair this or be out $250.

Thank you so much in advance!