Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Real Robots Live - multiplayer real life robotics game - call for ideas

Hi guys,

Just wanted to make you all aware of a new project, and gather your ideas.
The project is called Real Robots Live and will make it possible to log onto a live robot over the internet and drive it around a remote arena.
You'll have full control over the robot via the software and will be able to see the camera images that stream from the robot's perspective. It's a high res, low latency feed on the robots and around the arena.
Lots of these robots will be playing in the same arena - a real life online multiplayer game!
We want robots to be able to construct structures, destroy them using weapons and interact with the arena (opening doors,etc.).
Once online, we want to setup RealRobotsLiveTV so everyone can watch live events.

This is a call for ideas. This is a game with the real world as it's engine. What would you like to see in this?

Check out our videos: website
Follow us on twitter and

In 2-3 months we are aiming to crowdfund the project.

one issue I see is
"We want robots to be able to construct structures, destroy them using weapons and interact with the arena (opening doors,etc.)."
making a robot that can destroy things means you will have to replace the other robots from time to time
latency and all the other items I would love to see.
something nice is having a shop to buy robots, it adds to the money you will see.
also offer an opportunity to get gold membership which allows users to put a robot in THEIR house for others to control.