Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RCA R52WH74 ITC222A Chasis Convergence Gone



Hi all,

I have a RCA R52WH74 rear-projection TV with an ITC222A chasis and the
convergence is gone. The projectors aren't even close to being aligned
and the convergence option from setup is gone. I got it into field-
service mode whcih reveled a code 84 indicating convergence was gone.
A few things I've read on the internet have said that there's a diode
and fusuable link that usually go bad on the power supply for the
convergence board, but i've checked these components and they appear
to be fine. But I'm still not sure if I've read the right information,
so I still suspect it could be the power supply to the convergence
board itself..and would like to rule that out before digging into the
convergence board.

If anyone has a schematic or maybe some pin-out information i can use
to prod around for voltages, it'd be helpful.