Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RCA picture to wide for screen please help



I have a RCA 46 inch projection big screen tv and the picture is to wide
for the screen. Whenever there is any writting you cant read it all
because it is cut off on the sides. How can I fix this?

Model P46731AT

Chasse PTK169PG4
It needs a capacitor, it's either a .047 or .056 @ 400V. Must get it
from RCA because it's an "AC" capacitor, not a filter or coupling cap.

If you keep running the set like this the HOT will fry and you better
hope the current limiting works or the power supply might go out too.
Also there are a few other caps that need to be chaged in the power
supply to keep it healthy.

It could also be a shorted PIN transistor but the cap is alot more

The cap and the other caps installed in this area would run about $200
including a good cleaning and tune up. If you wait until the HOT fries
add $50-100 to that. This does not include pickup and delivery.
