Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RCA ICAN-6539 by S.S. Eaton, "Micropower Crystal Oscillator Design"


Jim Thompson

I'm looking for this app note. If anyone have it send it to me.Thank

Going backwards thru old postings, Win Hill should have a copy as of

...Jim Thompson
Hey Fred, thank you, but I can't see 2-yrs-old message on
alt.binaries.schematics.electronic Would you be so kind as to repost
it, please?

"""Fred Bartoli ÐÉÓÁÌ(Á):

Homer J Simpson

Hey Fred, thank you, but I can't see 2-yrs-old message on
alt.binaries.schematics.electronic Would you be so kind as to repost
it, please?

?????? He did!


Oh I thought he was talking about the old one...
Well then, I guess it's a nntp server size limitation, I use and I have only the messages that less than
200k. Can you advise any other server fitting for me, please?

"""Homer J Simpson ÐÉÓÁÌ(Á):

Homer J Simpson

Oh I thought he was talking about the old one...
Well then, I guess it's a nntp server size limitation, I use and I have only the messages that less than
200k. Can you advise any other server fitting for me, please?

It's 1.5 Mb. Do you have an email address that can handle it? It's also on

but read the pages on how to download from there and don't whine.