Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RCA DRC8335 DVD/VCR COMBO Power supply running hot

I have replaced a couple of blown electrolytics including the 2200uf one. Now the combo runs but with issues. For example, the power supply runs scorching hot. The hottest spot being the rectifier diode mbr on the heat sink, just behind the 2200uf electrolytic that bursted (not shown, already replaced). Also the unit continues to display "finalizing" on the screen after dvd burning, even if the finalized disc is ok. To get rid of the "finalize" i have to turn the unit off and let it cool for five minutes. It is challenging for me because i don't have a schematic. How do i find the fault causing these issues? Here are some pics.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Did you replace the rectifier diode? (if you did, and you replaced it with something other than a schottky diode then that would explain things getting hot.

Also, are the capacitors low ESR types?

If you didn't replace the rectifier, it may be a good idea to try replacing it. Perhaps it was damaged and has significant leakage.

Does it run hot without a load attached?
follow up

No, the rectifier diode hasn't been replaced. Also, all the heatsinks get hot to the touch. I did replace the pair of mosfets (the last on the pcb), but no change. The caps aren't specifically low esr. I desoldered each cap and tested with an esr meter and they all were within specs (except for the busted ones). No, the power supply does not run hot without the load. When either the vcr or dvd player is stopped the pcb starts to cool down. Either the vcr or dvd player can make the power supply to run scorching hot. Otherwise the unit combo is fully functional. Will not loose power or give any other errors. Except freezing "finalizing" screen. The movie will still play, but with "finalizing" message in the background? does this make any sense?