Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RCA D52W20 yokes, got any?



Hi. got an RCA D52W20 in the shop. Has a bad convergence yoke (blue). This
yoke is shutting convergence circuit down, revealed from testing. Anyway,
these seem to be on eternal backorder, so, does anyone have any from a
scrapped set? RCA sells as a set of 3.

Thanks in advance, Danny


Hi. got an RCA D52W20 in the shop. Has a bad convergence yoke (blue). This
yoke is shutting convergence circuit down, revealed from testing. Anyway,
these seem to be on eternal backorder, so, does anyone have any from a
scrapped set? RCA sells as a set of 3.
Ummm, as hard as it may be to believe, a dead shorted convergence yoke
should not shut it down. Overheat it yes, but not shut it down.

That is because the output circuit uses current feedback. In other
words, short the yoke and you do not pull more current, but it puts
out less voltage.

Now if that's what you mean, that the convergence in the channel is
out, fine. But if it is "shutting down" the whole circuit, look to the
output circuit for trouble.

We probably have one. But I need to know if the yokes are
interchangable before getting rid of one. I know they are specified
but that's because they are all wired to the same plug for
convergence. I don't think it is an inherent difference in the yokes.

However, I have not had convergence windings go bad on a PTV yoke in a
very long time. I don't even recall ever having one, but I have fixed
so many I can't be sure. Regular yoke windings yes, but not the

For the convergence yoke to shutdown the output by overcurrent, the
only possible scenario would be if BOTH the vertical and horizontal
windings are shorted to the core/frame, whatever you want to call it.
That would mess with the feedback. If that actually happened to me I
would scrutinize that yoke for corrosion, signs of coolant, etc.,
because it is pretty far fetched. A rare occurance indeed.



On further reflection, and trying a borrowed yoke, I am incorrect. Yoke is
not the problem. I think I was reaching. This has been interesting.....

Originally, set came in for bad flyback. Put in, worked fine for say ten
minutes, then conv died. Conv p/s chopper was shorted, but found nothing
else bad at all. Replaced chopper, seemed to make no difference in the home.
Well, now I have chassis in shop, so better testing is available.

Here is what I have discovered -

1 - conv p/s tries to start 3 times, as it showed 3 quick voltage jumps from
sec side.

2 - the 18v p/s start command spikes up 3 times, timed with power supply
chirp. 12 volts at TP624 is more like 7 volts.

3 - p/s on command from small signal board spikes 3 times, timed with p/s

I went over conv board, resoldered and checked with meter all drive
transistors, resoldered cable connectors on cobv board and p/s. Looked for
anything odd on ssb and def board, saw nothing odd. Will continue.....mind
you, sound and unconverged picture work fine.

Thanks, Danny

Jeroni Paul

Originally, set came in for bad flyback. Put in, worked fine for say ten
minutes, then conv died.

This sounds like the transistor might have come loose from its
heatsink and it overheated.


Well, original was well mounted to heat sink, and it had shorted. RCA
replacement (from RCA) reads fine, and I do believe power supply is good.

Latest thing I have tried is DL032 diode on defl board. Saw a reference to
it on net, being able to cause this. No help there.


Fixed. replaced small signal board. solved all the oddball problems.

Thanks for the assists


Guess I should finish this thread out. Back in mid May, I replaced the small
signal board and aligned. Problem fixed.
